Cerveza Golden - Summer 2021
Mural, beer can & label design
We took part in Golden’s summer 2021 campaign “Ya Hacia Extra Falta” in which we had to design a beer can inspired in one of El Salvador’s iconic beaches. Our assigned beaches were El Sunzal and El Tunco, both are characterized by their unique ambience, surf and local commerces.
This campaign was organized by La Constancia Industries, to promote tourism and local talent. Thanks to this project we were able to learn more about the local beaches and their people in order to nab some inspiration.
We were also given the chance to paint a mural in one of El Tunco’s most popular restaurants, La Bocana. During the course of 3 days, we painted a 5x3 meters wall with our design, whilst feeling the good vibes and cheers from the locals. If you ever visit El Tunco and happen to go by our mural, snap a photo and tag us @deepfriedstudio

This project was made possible thanks to the colaboration between Industrias La Constancia El Salvador, Ogilvy El Salvador, Journey Urbano and 12 different and talented artists. The GOLDEN logos, bottles and cans are property of Industrias La Constancia, alongside all promotional material created from the illustration that Deep Fried Studio provided.